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quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2022

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terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2022

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segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2022

Gaslighting Is Not Real

Introduction: what is gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse in which a manipulator misleads and confuses their victim, causing them to question their own sense of reality. Gaslighting is most commonly used by abusers in order to have more control over the victim. The abuser will often try to convince the victim that they are being too sensitive or paranoid when they question what's been done to them.

Gaslighting is a form of mental abuse where the victim's sense of reality is threatened by a person, making them question their own thoughts and feelings to the point that they are not sure what is real anymore. Gaslighting often begins with subtle but noticeable changes in normal behaviors or routines. These seemingly small changes may be difficult for the victim at first, but gradually become so abusive that it takes over their life.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse and manipulation that can be dangerous to both psychological and physical wellbeing. The term originates from the 1938 play Gas Light, where the term was used to describe the dimming of gas lights in a house caused by somebody looking for hidden treasure. In this context, it means somebody who psychologically manipulates others into doubting themselves and their judgement, causing them to question their authenticity.

How can you identify gaslighting?

Gaslighting is an extremely manipulative tactic that makes the victim doubt their own perception of reality. Gaslighting can also happen to people who are not victims by accident, but rather by feelings of inadequacy. Gaslighting can present itself in different ways, but it is often done through subtle manipulation, confusing facts or events, and making the victim think they are crazy. It's important to know what to look for so you can identify gaslighting in your life.

Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic that often leaves victims feeling confused, isolated, and ungrounded in their perspective of reality. The abuse can be deliberate or unintentional. Gaslighting usually begins with small actions like occasional comments or the person telling the victim they are wrong about their perception of events to make them feel like they are going crazy.

How does it impact a person's self esteem and social interactions?

Gaslighting is a common form of emotional abuse in which one person, usually in a position of power, tries to manipulate the other person. The abuser constantly pushes the victim's sanity and perception of reality, while convincing them that their thoughts are completely irrational. This kind of manipulation can lead to many side effects on an individual, including low self-esteem and social isolation.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can have a significant impact on a person's self esteem and social interactions. Gaslighting occurs when someone is manipulated into believing they are misremembering, misunderstanding, or overreacting to something. A person who has been gaslighted may have an increased sense of self-doubt, undue sensitivity to social cues, and have trouble relating to others.

Conclusion: how do you stop gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that makes it difficult for victims to trust their own memory, perception, and sanity. It's hard to comprehend just how difficult gaslighting can be until you've experienced it firsthand, but there are steps you can take to protect yourself and others from gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that often goes unrecognized by the victim. To stop gaslighting, be aware of your own feelings and what your partner does to make you question them. Take some time for yourself; step away from the situation and try to be objective about it. If you feel like you're being gaslighted, ask a close friend or family member if they see what you're going through.

domingo, 6 de fevereiro de 2022

Informationen �ber E-Mail-Marketing

Guten Morgen

Mein Name ist Fabián Torre und ich bin ein E-Mail-Marketing-Techniker.
Ich würde gerne wissen, ob Sie an Informationen über interessiert sind E-Mail-Marketing-Produkte und -Dienstleistungen und an welche E-Mail kann ich sie senden

Vielen Dank

Whatsapp: +55 719 9204-2292
Skype: chronskype

Produkte und Dienstleistungen f�r E-Mail-Marketing ISA 2022

Produktcode Produkt Preis

Deutschland E-Mail-Datenbanken
91-0360 E-Mail-Datenbank ISA Deutschland 2022 A

1.14 Million E-Mails von Deutschland
EUR 90
91-0361 E-Mail-Datenbank ISA Deutschland Korporativ 2022 A

700.000 E-Mails von korporativen Domains in Deutschland
EUR 60
91-0362 E-Mail-Datenbank ISA Deutschland Personen 2022 A

440.000 E-Mails von Personen aus Deutschland
EUR 50

Internationale E-Mail-Datenbanken
91-0426 E-Mail-Datenbanken ISA International 2021 C

66 Länder - 18.1 Millionen E-Mails
EUR 250

Europa E-Mail-Datenbanken
91-0442 E-Mail-Datenbanken ISA Europa 2022 A

25 Länder in Europa - 8 Millionen E-Mails
EUR 150
91-0453 E-Mail-Datenbanken ISA Europa Korporativ 2022 A

25 Länder in Europa - 4.1 Millionen korporative E-Mails
EUR 196

Lateinamerika E-Mail-Datenbanken
91-0460 E-Mail-Datenbanken ISA Lateinamerika 2022 A

19 Länder in Lateinamerika - 5.97 Millionen E-Mails
EUR 120
91-0461 E-Mail-Datenbanken ISA Lateinamerika Korporativ 2022 A

16 Länder in Lateinamerika - 930.000 korporative E-Mails
EUR 145

Spezielle Datenbanken
91-2014 Datenbank ISA-Abonnenten, Beschwerdeführer und Spamfallen 2022

Liste der weichen Beschwerdeführer (Abbestellen), harten Beschwerdeführer und Spamfallen, die Sie zu Ihrer Ausschlussliste hinzufügen und Spam-Beschwerden und die Aufnahme Ihrer Domains in schwarze Listen vermeiden können
EUR 25

ISA Email Packer 3.3

Mischen Sie bis zu 3 Listen
Beseitigt Duplikate
Teilen Sie Listen in Pakete mit der geringsten Anzahl an E-Mails auf
Beseitigt die geschnittenen E-Mails
Reinigt Kommas, Anführungszeichen oder das Zeichen, das Sie
anzeigen möchten E-Mails von einer Domain auswählen
Entfernen Sie unerwünschte Domains
Löscht E-Mails mit bestimmten Wörtern oder Symbolen
Wählen Sie E-Mails aus, die ein bestimmtes Wort enthalten
Wählen Sie E-Mails von Unternehmensdomänen aus

EUR 45

91-3050 Super Server Plan EU-50K

Versenden von 50.000 E-Mails in Lateinamerika und / oder Europa
EUR 60
91-3150 Super Server Plan EU-150K

Versenden von 150.000 E-Mails in Lateinamerika und / oder Europa
EUR 150
91-5002 Super Server Plan EU-1M

Versenden von 1 Million E-Mails in Lateinamerika und / oder Europa
EUR 300

Software Consulting
91-4001 Installation von Mailer mit Scanner von offenen SMTP-Servern

Konfiguration und Unterstützung eines Multi-Server-E-Mail-Systems
EUR 179
91-4006 Installation des E-Mail-Marketing-Systems
mit SMTP-Server mit SPF und DKIM

- Auf Ihrem Computer installiertes Programm, mit dem Sie Ihre Kampagnen lokal verwalten können
- SMTP-Server entsprechend den Regeln SPF und DKIM
- Online-Statistiken
- Funktioniert bei Internetdienstanbietern mit gesperrtem Port 25 (verwenden Sie Port 587)

EUR 55

Klicken Sie hier, um Ihre E-Mail-Adresse aus dem Newsletter zu entfernen

ISA Email Marketing
Fabián Torre
Software Consulting

Rua Antonio Rodrigues 22, Itacimirim - Bahia - CEP 42823-000 - BRASIL
WhatsApp: +55 719 9204-2292 - Skype: chronskype

